The Let's Go Team Check

We often have a sense that a team could be working better. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get an objective look at how we all see the team, in a way that pointed us not towards blame but ways to strengthen together.
The Let's Go Team Check is a powerful analysis tool for teams – a deep yet pragmatic analysis of team dynamics. Everyone in the team fills in a survey which is synthesised into a data-rich and easy-to-grasp report. This report is the basis for productive group conversations about where we are, what needs attention and what practical steps we want to take together to strengthen the team.
Grounded in The Let's Go Model® - a simple yet transformative approach to team dynamics that unites “hard” and “soft” factors into a cohesive and coherent whole
Data accelerates to the heart of the matter - and puts responsibility for fixing the team in the hands of the team
Tool focused directly on team performance - great supplement or alternative to individual psychometrics (Strengths Finder, DISC, Insights, etc)
Lands you on actions to improve things – not trying to create perfection but shine a light on what could be stronger.
Now available in Spanish, Portuguese and German.
Used by organisations of all sorts