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Making Better Meetings

Improve your meeting craft

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Meetings are the base unit of collaboration, but often we can get stuck in old patterns and habits that don’t work for the new world of work. Do you get frustrated with unproductive and uninspiring meetings? Do you want to be part of creating a tangible shift in how we collaborate? 


This toolkit raises your awareness and gives you practical tools to improve every meeting you host or attend. Grounded in the Let’s Go Model® it outlines:​

  • Meeting dynamics underpin every meeting on which meetings succeed or fail

  • Meeting Tactics: practical actions you can take within a meeting to influence a meeting in a direction that is appropriate. 

  • Meeting checklist outlines the phases of a great meeting and the practical actions or considerations for meeting owners.

  • Meeting formats ​give you a basis on which to design a specific meeting

  • Meeting behaviours identifies unhelpful behaviours that get in the way of doing our best work with other people

The meeting behaviours gave language to familiar issues and some initial tips to get back on track - have used in challenging client calls. 
Senior Manager at Accenture
The meeting dynamics re-established more structure and clarity of purpose to my meetings, and through this, I was seeing more productive outcomes.
Senior Manager at Accenture

Explore in more detail

Meeting dynamics 

Underpin every meeting on which meetings succeed or fail - drawn from The Let’s Go Model® dynamics that flow through every collaborative endeavour.

Belief: A sense of purpose and finding the optimism that we will need to succeed.

Structure: A clear and grounded plan for what we are doing, held with the right flexibility.

Involvement: The right mix of people involved and getting the best out of each other.

Progress: Momentum towards our goals and focusing on successful delivery.

Care:  Strong relationships and a genuine sense of togetherness as a team. 

Presence: The heart of collaboration is being committed to what you are trying

to get done and engaged with the dynamics of the group.

Meeting Tactics

 Practical actions you can take within a meeting to influence a meeting in a direction that is appropriate.

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Meeting formats

Give you a basis on which to design a specific meeting

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Working Session  

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Connecting Moment

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Meetings checklist

Outlines the phases of a great meeting and the practical actions or considerations for meeting owners.

Meeting behaviours

Identifies unhelpful behaviours unhelpful that get in the way of doing our best work with other people.

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